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Old 18-dic-2006, 02:43   #1
Moderador General

Pues eso despues de cambiar las roms gracias a lolo652 que me las ha grabado.ya tengo en ingles mi bk2000, pero el rpoblema del sonido sigue fallando
me ha funcionado como unos 5 minutos al rato se va y funciona intermitente
solo algun sonido de vez en cuando.
he estado mirando la guia de marvin que me paso DMODE thanks sobre la placa de sonido la placa de mi bk2000 es la system 11b

bueno el caso es que no entiendo bien en ingles lo que dice sobre ese problema

os la pongo aqui por si alguien me lo podria traducir un poquillo, o sabe el porque de este problema.

un saludo

concretamente es esta parte:

3d. When thing don't work: Power-On Tones and Sound Diagnostics/Problems

"System 11 sound used 'FM sound', which is generated from the YM2151 8-voice FM synthesizer chip. Digital sound data from the YM2151 is converted into an analog signal in the YM3012 DAC chip. A preamp MC1458 chip pre-amplifies this analog signal before it is sent to the mixer and final amplifier. System11 usually assigned a pair of FM-voices for an instrument. This is what made system11 FM-synthesis stand out in sound quality and innovation. The synthesizer was also capable of making noise sounds and this was used for most of the cymbal and hi-hat sounds.

Williams used the term 'general sound' for any sound created by the MC1408 DAC chip. Sampled sounds, such as drums, are processed through the DAC. These are all 8-bit samples stored in ROM. Algorithm-based sounds are also processed through the DAC. These sounds are created by software algorithms. They are played monophonically (only one sound can play at one time), and are easily distinguished this way. Algorithm-based sound was used widely in Williams system 3 through 11B games, and it was stopped starting with system 11C games.

All speech is generated from the 55536 CVSD chip. Digital speech data is clocked serially into the CVSD chip and converted into an analog signal. A preamp chip (MC1458) pre-amplifies this analog signal before it is sent to the mixer and final amplifier." From

Power-on Tone(s).
When the system 11 games boots, it produces power-on tone(s). Here is the breakdown of the tone(s):
o No Sound: sound/speech board is not operating, or a failure is affecting the sound circuitry (broken or disconnected cable, dead amplifier, bad speaker).
o One Tone: sound/speech system OK.
o Two Tones: sound/speech RAM problem.
o Three Tones: U4 problem.
o Four Tones: U19 problem.

CPU Sound Diagnostic Switch SW1.
Testing the sound circuitry is only possible after successful completion of the system 11 power-on CPU tests (as described above). That is, the game must boot properly and go into "attract" mode, with no power-on beep tones.

On the left side of the CPU board there are two switches. The top switch SW1 is the sound diagnostic switch. If you press this button, you should get two test sounds. This shows that the CVSD (Continuously Variable Slope Delta) modulator, which produces the game's voices, and the DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) sound circuits are working.

After pressing CPU switch SW1 you should get some tones. Here is the breakdown:
o No Sound: sound/speech board is not operating, or a failure is affecting the sound circuitry (broken or disconnected cable, dead amplifier, bad speaker).
o One Tone: U23 RAM chip error.
o Two Tones: U21 ROM chip error.
o Three Tones: U22 ROM chip error.
o Four Tones: U21 ROM chip error.
o Five Tones: U22 ROM chip error.

No Sound when CPU switch SW1 is Pressed (but sound heard during diagnostic tests).
Check the sound select inputs (U9 pins 2-9) with a logic probe to see if they pulse during Sound Test 01. Also check the -12 volt supply voltage on the CPU board. If this voltage is low (or AC ripple seems high), perform the following checks (you can check for ripple using your meter set to AC volts; more than .75 AC volts is probably too much AC ripple).
o Check the gray and gray/green transformer secondary wires for 19.4 volts AC.
o Check the CPU board filter capacitor C26 for -12 volts DC.
o Check the CPU board filter capacitor C26 for AC ripple (over .75 volts AC).

If the above tests did not find the problem, turn the volume control up all the way, and momentarily touch a powered-on AC soldering pencil on the center tap of the volume control (do NOT use a solder iron over 40 watts, and a cordless soldering will not work for this test). If you hear a low hum, this means the power amplifier (U1, TDA2002), the volume control, the speakers, and the sound cabling are all working.

If you don't hear the hum in the above test, turn the volume control down slightly, and repeat the soldering iron test. This should isolate if the volume control is at fault.

Also check the cable connectors for proper mating, and that no wires are broken.

System 11 Sound Board Generations.
All system 11 games used sound board D-11581 except High Speed, Grand Lizard, Pinbot, Road Kings, Space Station, and Jokerz:
o High Speed (sys11): Background music board D-11297.
o Grand Lizard (sys11): Background music board D-11297.
o Road Kings (sys11): Sound board D-11298 (first game to use a Yamaha YM2151 sound chip on the sound board).
o Pinbot (sys11a): Sound board D-11298.
o Space Station (sys11b): Sound board D-11298.
o Jokerz (sys11b): Used a special stereo sound board D-12338 with different sound board power requirements and cabling. Also CPU board jumpers W1,W2,W4,W5,W7,W8,W11,W14,W16,W17,W19 must be installed.

The commonly used system11 D-11581 sound board utilized a 68B09E CPU, YM2151/YM3012 8-voice FM sound synthesizer (8-bit sound), a MC1408 DAC (Digital/Analog Converter), and a 55536 CVSD speech chip. The U4 EPROM contains the sound board operating system and YM2151 music data. EPROMs U21 and U22 contain speech and/or 8-bit sample data. If looking for this sound board, it can usually be bought cheaply because it was also used in some late 1980s Williams video games (Arch Rivals, Trog, Smash TV, High Impact, and Strike Force).

High Speed and Grand Lizard used background music board D-11297. It used a 68B09E CPU, a single MC1408 DAC for processing 8-bit digital samples stored in EPROM. On this board the U4 EPROM chip contains the operating system and 8-bit digital sample data. The operating system on this chip is compatible with the D-11581 sound board.

Pinbot, Road Kings, and Space Station used sound board D-11298. It utilized a 68B09E CPU, YM2151/YM3012 eight voice FM sound synthesizer, and a MC1408 DAC for processing algorithm-based data (8 bit). The U4 EPROM on this sound board contains the operating system, YM2151 music data, and algorithm sound coding.

Jokerz used stereo sound board D-12338. This too used a 68B09E CPU and a YM2151/YM3012 8-voice FM sound synthesizer (8 bit). The U4 EPROM on the sound board contains the operating system and YM2151 music data.

D-11581 Sound Board Use in System11/11A/11B Games.
The D-11581 sound board can be used in all System 11 games except Jokerz, providing two sound board jumpers are modified. A system 11 game can have from one to three EPROM chips installed on the sound board. All of these EPROMs installed need to be the same EPROM size, and sound board jumpers W2 and W3 must be configured for this:
o 27128 or 27256 Sound Board EPROMs: remove W2, install W3.
o 27512 or 27010 Sound Board EPROMs: install W2, remove W3.

The System 11A and 11B CPU boards also had its own sound generation circuitry. This was basically a subset of the D-11581's sound hardware, but was mounted on the CPU board. This too used a 68B09E CPU, 55536 CVSD speech chip, and a MC1408 DAC for processing algorithm-based 8-bit digital data. System 11C CPU boards used a similar System 11A/11B CPU board, but without the sound section. Instead the system 11C games used the D-11581 sound board as it handled all the sound needs.

System 11 Speech Chip.
The speech chip used on the system11 sound boards is the Motorola HC-55536 or HC-55564. These are pretty difficult to find and are basically obsolete. Evan Oswald says there's a replacement, and it's the Motorola MC-3417 and the MC-3417L chips. However the MC-3417 is a 14 pin package, and the MC-3417L is a 16 pin package, and the MC-3417L (16 pins) seems easiest to find. The pinouts for the 16 pin package is the same as the 14 pin chip, if you hang pins 8 and 9 out of the socket. Pins 8,9 are not needed and don't need to be tied high or low because of the NC (Not connected) designation in the data sheet. The Data sheet is available at

Contant and Loud Sound "Hum".
Problem: system11 game makes a loud and constant "hum" from the speakers. Tone of the hum varies, depending on what the score displays or feature playfield lamps are doing. Loudness of hum does NOT change when volume control is turned all the way down or up.
Solution: CPU board is not adequately attached to the backbox. Make sure all eight screws holding the CPU board are in place, and that the screws are tight. These screws maintain the grounding path for the CPU board. If loose or missing, the CPU board (where some of the sound circuitry is located) will not be adequately grounded. Likewise, check that all the screws holding the sound board are in place and tight. Since the "hum" did not vary when the volume control was turned down or up, this indicated there wasn't a problem with the amplifier circuit itself.
Old 18-dic-2006, 03:23   #2
Avatar de shadem
Bueno, ahi hay mucho texto que traducir, pero yo creo que lo mejor es que empieces por la parte en la que habla de los tonos de diagnostico, por lo que entiendo la maquina al arrancar puede hacer una serie de tonos (un poco como los pitidos de un ordenador al arrancar) que pueden servir para diagnosticar problemas de sonido, puede hacer 0,1,2,3 o 4 pitidos, y dependioendo del numero indica si ha detectado algun problema o ninguno.

Tambien habla de otro modo de diagnostico por tonos que tienes que activar pulsando un boton una vez la maquina ya se ha encendido completamente, este boton pone que esta en la placa de la cpu, pone que hay dos switches, y hay que pulsar el de arriba, el sw1, y segun los pitidos te indica un determinado chip de rom o ram que falla. Por lo que yo entiendo antes de los pitidos emite dos sonidos que te permiten comprobar que el CVSD y el DAC funcionan.

Bueno, dice muchas cosas mas, pero puedes empezar por eso.

Un Saludo, y espero no haber metido la pata con la traduccion.
Old 18-dic-2006, 09:33   #3
Moderador General
je,je gracias shadem no ,no has metido la pata por que hasta ahi he llegao yo
el caso es que al arrancar la maquina da un pitido(que es como que esta ok)

pero si pulsas el switch (sw1)de la cpu, no saca ningun sonido.
y ahi vienen mis dudas ya que pone esto.
After pressing CPU switch SW1 you should get some tones. Here is the breakdown:
o No Sound: sound/speech board is not operating, or a failure is affecting the sound circuitry (broken or disconnected cable, dead amplifier, bad speaker).

gracias por contestar compa

Editado por DJMETROLICO en 18-dic-2006 a las 09:38.
Old 18-dic-2006, 10:10   #4
Avatar de PinballBreaker
¿ Has probado a comprobar si en la placa de sonido existe los voltajes necesarios y suficientes ?

Old 18-dic-2006, 10:16   #5
Moderador General
Eeso no lo he probado todabia. ¿Donde habria que mirar si llega el voltaje correcto toni?

un saludo
Old 18-dic-2006, 16:41   #6
Avatar de shadem
Bueno, hay una parte que me mosquea, y es que pone que para hacer el test ese el pinball tiene que haber arrancado sin hacer ningun pitido, osea, que parece que solo te deja hacer el test si ya ha detectado algun problema durante el arranque.

De todas formas, solo pulsas el boton y lo sueltas o lo mantienes algunos segundos pulsado? esto ya por probar, porque me parece entender, que mientras lo estas pulsando suenan dos sonidos, y despues de pulsarlo ya los tonos.

Tambien puedes hacer el test de cpu, que se hace con el switch 2 y unos leds que parpadean (esto no lo has copiado aqui, miralo en marvin), porque uno de los fallos que puede indicar tambien esta relacionado con sonido.

A ver si hay suerte.

Un Saludo
Old 18-dic-2006, 18:13   #7
Moderador General
Normalmente para el del switch 2 pulso el boton y lo suelto y enseguida sale, el otro test. el del sw1 como nunca me ha funcionado he probado las 2 formas.

si el test de cpu lo hae tambien, es que hasta ayer tenia un componente jodido y un fusible que acabo de comprar que activa una de las bobinas. por eso no he podido probar bien el test y antes como lo tenia en aleman pues no me valia de nada jeje.

voy a pobar esas opciones que quedan, aunque me parece un error de algo de esto:
o No Sound: sound/speech board is not operating, or a failure is affecting the sound circuitry (broken or disconnected cable, dead amplifier, bad speaker).
por que? ayer funciono perfecto como 15 minutos,despues intermitente.
me da que es un problema de calentamiento del ampli o algo asi, no se.
venga seguire probando.
un saludo!
Old 19-dic-2006, 09:08   #8
Avatar de shadem
Pues no se que mas decirte, no se me ocurre nada, yo he tenido suerte que los dos problemillas que tenia mi pinball los he encontrado enseguida, a veces es cuestion de suerte dar con la averia.

Ya nos contaras si consigues algun avance.

Un Saludo
Old 19-dic-2006, 14:17   #9
Moderador General
Muchas gracias shadem, no te preocupes que al final dare con ello, el mio tenia bastantes mas problemillas pero con un poco de limpieza y la ayudita de mi amigo lolo652 que es un crack soldando je,je ya esta casi listo.

en cuanto compre esta tarde el fusible le volvere a dar caña a ver si encuentro lo que es.
un saludo
Old 19-dic-2006, 14:47   #10
Avatar de lolo_652
haver me imagino que si a funcionado el sonido y de vez en cuando seva yo pienso que las soldaduras muy haya no estaran cuando quedemos yo creo que lo solucionaremos