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Old 09-ene-2007, 00:47   #1
Editor Marciano
fMSX 3.1

Ha salido una nueva version de este emulador de MSX, MSX2, y MSX2+.

What is fMSX?
fMSX is a program that emulates MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers. It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows, Symbian, MacOS, Unix, MSDOS, AmigaOS, etc. I started developing fMSX in 1993 when there were only two other MSX emulators available, both exclusively for MSDOS. From the very beginning, I developed fMSX as a portable program able to run on many different computers. The initial development, for example, was done on DEC Alpha workstations running Unix. Since then, fMSX has seen quite a lot of updates and been ported to many systems. It is still being developed, although not as actively as before because most features are pretty much complete now.
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