WinUAE 1.4.0 Public Beta 4
Nueva version beta de este emulador de Amiga para Windows.
Lista de mejoras:
Main changes are CDTV emulation and Advanced Chipset ("do not touch if you are not sure") configuration panel.
Beta 4:
- separate Arcadia bios and game rom selection (rom rescan required) Idea and original patch by Karsten Bock
- "Add PC drives at startup"/"Include network drives" fixed
- cd32/cdtv/arcadia flashfile set to <datapath>\<mode>.nvr in quickstart modes
- CDTV 64kb sram card quickstart mode added, saved to flashfile with CDTV internal sram (tested with Sim City CDTV)
- harddisk panel fixes and updates. Non-existing hardfiles and directories are marked with "X".
Beta 3:
- remove harddrives loaded from default.uae in quickstart-mode
- wrong device/volumename in harddisk panel (visual error only)
- S<something> in command line parameters set illegal stereo separation value in some cases
- hardfile configuration handling bugs fixed
- disk history list wrong item selection fixed (really old bug, select second entry from disk history then select first entry from other drive's disk history)
- sinc interpolator update from uaede 2.04
- CDTV CD audio play end position status change detection improved
- application icon updated (also includes 256x256 Vista-style icon)
- CD access freeze when CD was already open in another program, also tries shared access mode first before falling back to exclusive mode
- emulation paused mode sound start/stop issues fixed
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