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Old 02-feb-2007, 14:18   #1
Editor Marciano
EmuPIA/ EmuPIA 7 Build 01.02.2007

Nueva version de este emulador de los ordenadores de Toshiba Pasopia y Pasopia 7 para Windows.

Lista de novedades:
With common source code project, video video recording functional addition & it corrected various types.
The modification point concerning details, please refer to the page of the common source code.

As the correction of PASOPIA, besides the fact that WindowsCE binary of the first generation PASOPIA was prepared, it took a second look the processing of HSYNC of CRTC.
Adjusting to the second look at the mounting Z-80CTC, somewhat processing has become light.

You wrote even with direction of the time before blog, but about the correction of Z-80CTC and i8253.
With PASOPIA7, the pulse of 4MHz is input into Z-80CTC.
Until recently, this it is to have counted sincerely 1 pulses each, but really as for the necessity to do such a thing, being the meaning which is not.
Reaching to terminal count, until state of output changes, calculating period, when that period elapses, in order at a stroke to advance count, it corrects.
When (the input clock is fixed frequency only,)
However, when present count value it goes to reading midway, because it is, that time seeking elapsed time, it is necessary that much to advance count.
Información acerca del Toshiba Pasopia
Información acerca del Toshiba Pasopia 7

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