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Old 18-dic-2007, 21:07   #1
Editor Marciano
No$GBA 2.6 (Emulador Gameboy Advance y Nintendo DS) (W, D)

Ha salido una nueva versión de este emulador de Gameboy Advance y Nintendo DS para Windows y DOS.

Lista de mejoras:
nds/3d: soft-renderer: uses fast linear color/texture interpolation when w1=w2

nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct texture (eg. eragon/demo)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct rgb color interpolation

nds/3d: soft-renderer: picks correct vertex/color/attributes on 1dot polygons

nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at existing/possible x1=256 (off-screen)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows bigger than possible rear-depth (clubhouse dart)

nds/3d/debug: vram viewer correctly shows swap buffers as 1st command in tree

nds/3d/help: added note on situations where lower/right edges are excluded

nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing doesn't work with (opaque) lines and wire-frames

nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing isn't used on edge-marked polys/lines/wire-frames

nds/3d/help: swap_buffers parameters are applied on the FOLLOWING gxcommands

nds/3d/help: swap_buffers does NOT copy re-ports (disp3dcnt/toon_table/etc)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports w-buffering (games with reversed z working)

nds/3d/help: confirmed guessed texture slot locations for rear-plane bitmaps

nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows dots on lower/right clip-boundary (off-viewport)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at y1=192 or y1=negative (off-screen)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: handles faulty viewports (exceeding 192 scanlines)

nds/3d: re-renders old frame on master changes (disp3dcnt or port 330h..3BFh)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: discards correct vertex of invalid twisted | quads

nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates edge-marking (edge_color, opaque, polygon_id)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of line-segments and wire-frames

nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of edge-marked polygons

nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of translucent and opaque polys

nds/3d: soft-renderer: enulates inwards/outwards/left/right/front/back edges

nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates steep, flat, vertical, horizontal edges

nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct rounding of screen coordinates

nds/3d: supports direct capture from 3d engine (instead from engine a only)

nds/2d/bugfixes: inits engine b on reset, fixed engine b base in vram viewer

nds/3d: opengl: internally breaks all polygon strips to separate polygons

nds/3d: buffers translucent polys, and renders them later (after opaque polys)

nds/3d/help: corrected polygon_attr.bit11 (affects pixels, not whole polygons)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: stores alpha in framebuf (unlike evil generic opengl)

nds/3d/help: added description on clamped textures (clips to minmax 0,siz-1)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports texture clamp, repeat, and flip-repeat modes

nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips texcoord (only if needed; point1 or point2>max)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports toon table (and skips green/blue calculations)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: does texture blending (modulation,decal,toon,highlight)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: explodes texture bitmap and renders texture by texcoord

nds/3d: emulates polygon_attr having no effect until next begin_vtxs command

nds/3d: soft-renderer: renderer uses linear (quick'n'dirty) color/texcoord

nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on rendering

nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on clipping

nds/3d: allocates/stores color/texcoord/screencoord in each buffered vtx-entry

nds/3d: soft-renderer: re-ensures range after clipping (for rounding errors)

nds/3d: vram viewer: fixed 4x4 texel texture mode1 crash (missing pusha/popa)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_update for translucent polys (less only)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_less or depth_equal rendering condition

nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates depth (z) horizontally and vertically

nds/3d: soft-renderer: initializes rear-plane rgba,depth,etc (blank or bitmap)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: front/back/linesegment check (on first three vertices)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: hides far-plane-intersecting (if enabled in poly_attr)

nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips polygons to all six sides of the view-volume

web/paypal: added an evil "donate 2.50 and download newest version" button

dos: due to the soft-renderer, dos version is now fully supporting 3d video

a22i: added LO (usingned lower) as alias for CC (carry clear) (thanks niels)
Old 18-dic-2007, 21:48   #2
Avatar de D4NT1T4N
Notificar que hay un cambio de política en este emulador y para descargar la última versión (la 2.6) hay que donar 2,5 $...

Como pasa en estas cosas ya está purulando por megauploads y rapidshares, pero no se si es conveniente poner enlaces de eso aqui.

Si algún moderador me quiere contestar yo callo, o hablo
Old 18-dic-2007, 21:52   #3
Avatar de Fuents
Originalmente publicado por D4NT1T4N Ver post
Notificar que hay un cambio de política en este emulador y para descargar la última versión (la 2.6) hay que donar 2,5 $...

Como pasa en estas cosas ya está purulando por megauploads y rapidshares, pero no se si es conveniente poner enlaces de eso aqui.

Si algún moderador me quiere contestar yo callo, o hablo
Why that donation stuff...?
I've had some money saved up when starting to make no$gba in summer 2001, during last some years the money became less and less, so, without some new money, I won't be able to continue to work on no$gba much longer. Now, if less than one of a hundred people would click the donations button - that would probably solve no$gba's monetary problems.

No money no paypal no update?
If you don't have paypal (I know it isn't available in all countries), or don't have the money - sorry - no new update. But wait, the current version will become free for download when the next newer version comes out (next month or so). So please be patient. For now, you can download the next older version (for free) below. And keep in mind, without donations I can't keep working fulltime on no$gba, so it'd be updated less often, and so, paypal donations are a great invention - even for people whom don't have paypal at all :-)
De todos modos esta frase es la que mejor lo cuenta.

If you don't have paypal (I know it isn't available in all countries), or don't have the money - sorry - no new update
Asi que NO, no esta permitido poner enlaces de descarga que no sean las de la pagina oficial respetando asi la directiva de distribucion del autor.
Old 18-dic-2007, 21:55   #4
Avatar de D4NT1T4N
Originalmente publicado por Fuents Ver post
Asi que NO, no esta permitido poner enlaces de descarga que no sean las de la pagina oficial respetando asi la directiva de distribucion del autor.
No, si yo no se nada del tema... de hecho no se aún que hago en este hilo