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Old 24-dic-2007, 14:36   #1
Editor Marciano
MiSFiTMAME 0.122 (Emulador de hacks de juegos arcade) (W)

Nueva version de este emulador basado en Mame el cual contiene juegos que no estan incluidos en las versiones de Mame, como hacks de juegos arcade (juegos a los que les han hecho alguna modificacion, como cambiar el diseño de los personajes o los escenarios) como el Pacman, Bubble Bobble, Rastan Saga,...

Lista de mejoras y nuevos juegos emulados:

Important note: Do NOT use the MameUI gui with this version of MisfitMAME, as many games will not work.
Use another front-end, or the command prompt.

Source changes

alpacap7 and alpacap8
- Fixed the loading of graphics roms, but the colours are still wrong due to an original programming error.

comdelux, comdlux1
- screen is now the right way up

- colours are now correct

- fix gfx corruption

- fix screen size
- fix dipswitches

Removed samplesets: boxingb, gorf, wow

Monaco GP
- Compiled inbuilt (previously unused) layout into the driver, and added support for it
- Added support for all digital displays in Mr.Do artwork (make sure you update your lay file)
- Added proper sequence of game running with timer, extended play, bonus cars, and game over
- Added rankings and high scores support
- Added siren sound for the ambulance, skid sound for the water puddle, and extend sound for bonus cars
- Added a tiny speedometer to represent the tacho that the original game had
- Car speeds up at 6000 and 8000 points

Pacman Notes
- Source completely rewritten, and split into 4 files
- Some sets renamed
- All rom names now conform to the misfit standard

Neogeo Notes
- Due to the change of MAME neogeo coding, npong10, neopong, and beast no longer work.

- The source code has been split into several files

- neonopn1, neonopn2, neonopn3: These contain an illegal instruction which cannot be fixed.
The games have therefore been removed, please use neonopon instead.

- The "decrypted c" sets which were removed a few months back have been re-added.

Games Added
puckmoti (Puckman hack) [Hebus]
puckmot1 (Puckman hack) [Hebus]
puckmano (Puckman hack) [Hebus]

Mas informacion aqui y aqui.
