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Old 27-dic-2007, 12:01   #1
Editor Marciano
FB Alpha Enhanced R7 (Emulador multiarcade) (W)

Nueva versión de este emulador multiarcade para Windows.

Lista de novedades:
Hi everyone! I know this isn't much for Christmas pre-celebration but I hope you like it. Maybe I'll do a Christmas release with more stuff.

ThanX to all who make drivers possible and still loving FBA .

R7 [December 24, 2007]:

* Included new Splash and Preview bitmaps.
* Fixed a bug when saving game configuration files, now it doesn't try to save unicode characters from game titles. This bug is present in the official FBA.
* Added BisonSAS's latest update to the Seta 2 drivers. [ThanX to BisonSAS]
* Added Epos drivers released by IQ_132 (d_epos.cpp). [ThanX to IQ_132]
* Cleaned 'Recently Played Game' code, now it's smaller, accurate and doesn't leave stuff in memory.
* Modified the FB Alpha title to FB Alpha Enhanced.
* Added an extra key to Pause a running game, now you can use the 'P' key too.
* Added directory creation code for IPS patches, if 'ips/' is not found it will be created.
* Updated 'd_neogeo.cpp' to match MAME v122 [ThanX to KOF2112].

* Imported options to save Title and Ingame preview from "FB Alpha Extras R18", now you can choose to save between four different previews for both types, the first one is the main and the other three are alternate previews. To locate this feature check out 'Misc' menu and go to "Save Preview..." option.
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