27-dic-2007, 22:16 | #1 |
y ahora no me carga los juegos del neogeo....uso el mamewah y meto los roms en C:\juegos\Winkawaks\roms y al dar a cargar la lista de los roms, na de na....que hago!!!
27-dic-2007, 22:25 | #2 |
Editor Marciano
Te los cargaba antes? Postea el archivo winkawaks.ini que se encuentra en C:\juegos\Mamewah\config\winkawaks
27-dic-2007, 22:37 | #3 |
### winkawaks.ini (mamewah v1.62) ###
emulator_title Neo Geo ### List Generation Settings ### rom_path C:\juegos\Winkawaks\roms rom_extension zip dat_file C:\videogames\Winkawaks\winkawaks.dat nms_file auto:[emuexepath]\[emuexename].nms catver_ini_file auto:[emuexepath]\catver.ini list_generation_method rom_folder_vs_dat_file ### Execution Settings ### pre_emulator_app_commandlines emulator_commandline C:\juegos\Winkawaks\kawaks.bat [name]{nodosbox} post_emulator_app_commandlines general_app_commandlines ### Artwork Settings ### artwork_image_paths C:\juegos\mame\snaps movie_preview_path C:\juegos\mame\videos movie_artwork_no 1 enable_fuzzy_search 0 history_dat_file auto history_dat_artwork_no 2 ### Screen-Saver Settings ### enable_music_in_screensaver 1 select_random_game 0 saver_type movie movie_path C:\juegos\videos movie_fullscreen 1 quit_delay 0 saver_commandline ### Additional Settings ### music_path lcd_display_file_path description_display [description]{scroll} ### Settings used by MAMEWAH ### current_list 0 |
27-dic-2007, 23:05 | #4 |
Editor Marciano
Asegurate que adentro de la carpeta C:\juegos\Winkawaks se encuentre un archivo llamado Winkawaks.dat
Si se encuentra ayi lo unico que se me puede ocurrir es que tus roms sean "read only" Bajate este programa y instalalo. Luego lo ejecutas y escoges la carpeta C:\juegos\Winkawaks\roms Se tarda unos segundos. Al terminar te metes a mamewah y trata de generar la lista otra vez. Editado por gonzo90017 en 27-dic-2007 a las 23:41. |
27-dic-2007, 23:35 | #5 |
si que le hay, y el enlace no descarga da error...
27-dic-2007, 23:41 | #6 |
Editor Marciano
Disculpa prueba este. Remove Read Only.zip
28-dic-2007, 00:37 | #7 |
nasti de prasti...hago todo lo que dices y na!!!
28-dic-2007, 01:22 | #8 |
Editor Marciano
El problema esta en Winkawaks.ini modifica esta linea: Code:
dat_file C:\videogames\Winkawaks\WinKawaks.dat Code:
dat_file C:\juegos\Winkawaks\WinKawaks.dat |
28-dic-2007, 01:37 | #9 |
Me pone esto y no se donde escribir o modificar lo que me has dicho:
; Configuration file for WinKawaks 1.56 ; Aug 4 2006:17:16:55 ; ------------------------------------- [VideoSettings] ; If you want to use 640x480 in full screen with Capcom games, make sure to set FullScreenCorrectRatio=1 ; This is the resolution for non rotated Capcom games HorizontalFullScreenWidth=640 HorizontalFullScreenHeight=480 ; This is the resolution for rotated Capcom games VerticalFullScreenWidth=512 VerticalFullScreenHeight=384 ; This is the resolution for NeoGeo games FullScreenWidthNeoGeo=640 FullScreenHeightNeoGeo=480 ; Zoom window ; 100: Zoom 100% (default) ; 150: Zoom 150% ; 200: Zoom 200% ; 250: Zoom 250% ; 300: Zoom 300% ZoomWindow=100 ; Windowed mode ratio correction ; 0: no ratio correction ; 1: correct windowed ratio, smaller display (works good for all blitters) ; 2: correct windowed ratio, bigger display (works good for non scanlined blitters) WindowCorrectRatio=0 ; Full screen mode ratio correction ; 0: no ratio correction ; 1: correct full screen ratio, smaller display (works good for all blitters. Allows 640x480) ; 2: correct full screen ratio, bigger display (works good for non scanlined blitters) ; 3: stretch to full screen FullScreenCorrectRatio=3 ; Window position (no need to edit, this is saved automatically) WindowXposition=539 WindowYposition=268 ; set this to 1 to stop vertical games being rotated (default 0) NoRotate=1 ; setting this to 1 for smooth scrolling (default 0) TripleBuffer=0 ; try setting this to 1 for a potentially big speed boost (default 0) UseVRAM=1 FrameSkip=0 AutoFrameSkip=0 EnableRowscroll=1 EnableBgHi=1 EnableMasking=1 ; set to 1 to have the emu run as fast as it can (bench purposes) or 0 for realtime emulation Turbo=0 ; 0 = Normal (very fast) ; 1 = Scanlines ; 2 = Scanlines 50% ; 3 = Alternate scanlines (very fast) (default) ; 4 = 2xSai ; 5 = Super2xSai ; 6 = SuperEagle ; 7 = Scanlined 2xSai ; 8 = Zoom 2x software (no blur) ; 9 = Monitor dot matrix blitter ; 10 = KScale (very fast edge enhancer) ; 11 = KScale with 25% scanlines (very fast edge enhancer) ; 12 = KScale with 50% scanlines (very fast edge enhancer) ; 13 = KScale with 75% scanlines (very fast edge enhancer) VideoEngine=0 ; Inter-frame blending (motion blur. reduces flickering) ; 0 = None (default) ; 1 = Yes ; 2 = Yes, with MMX (faster) BlendFrames=0 ; Enable sprite transparencies (BLD files in BLEND directory) ; 0 = No (default) ; 1 = Yes EnableTransparencies=0 ; color settings CPS2(prefered values 15..17) GammaRed=16 GammaGreen=16 GammaBlue=16 ; gamme settings (prefered values 0..512, 256=normal) TrueGammaRed=256 TrueGammaGreen=256 TrueGammaBlue=256 ; color for the background (usefull for the gfx rippers out there. values 0..255, -1=no force color) BgRed=-1 BgGreen=-1 BgBlue=-1 ; color for on screen display (values 0..255) OSDRed=147 OSDGreen=207 OSDBlue=228 [NeoGeo] ; Hardware type ; 0 = Console ; 1 = Arcade (default) NeoGeoSystem=1 ; Country ; 0 = Japan ; 1 = USA ; 2 = Europe (default) NeoGeoCountry=1 ; Freeplay ; 0 = Off (default) ; 1 = On NeoGeoFreeplay=1 [Misc] ; Name of the language pack (no .lng extension) LanguagePack=English RunCount=340 ; Auto start game after load AutoStartGame=1 ; Games to enable EnableCPS1=0 EnableCPS2=0 EnableMVS=1 NoClones=0 ; 0 Show all ; 1 Show only available ; 2 Show only missing ShowOnlyAvailable=1 ; Set to 1 to disable emu text on screenshots NoMsgScreenShots=1 ; Set to 0 to disable menu shortcuts (handy for Hotrod players) EnableHotKeys=1 ; Set to 1 if you have joysticks/joypads attached to your PC, but don't want to use them in Kawaks DisableJoystick=0 AutoPause=1 AlwaysOnTop=0 ; Sound frequency. The higher, the better the quality. Values : 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000 SoundFreq=22050 ; Sound segments. if sound gets choppy, try fiddling with those (SoundSegLag < SoundSegs) SoundSegs=6 SoundSegLag=5 ; Interpolate sound. Affects NeoGeo only InterpolateSound=0 LowPassFilter=0 ; CPS1 sound. YM2151=music, OKI=SFX EnableOKI=1 EnableYM2151=1 ; QSound ; Auto start game after load ; 0=Normal, -1=Softer, 1=Louder QSoundAmplification=0 PlayMusic=1 PlaySFX=1 PlaySFA3Announcer=1 ; NeoGeo sound. YM2610=music+speech+sfx, AY-3-8910=noise EnableYM2610=1 EnableAY38910=1 DisplayTrackName=0 ; set to 1 for mono sound MonoSound=0 ; set to 1 to reverse right and left channels ReverseStereo=0 ; Task priority. Valid values are the following : ; HIGH_PRIORITY : 128 Use this for slower machines ; NORMAL_PRIORITY : 32 Fast machines (full frame) use this (default setting) ; IDLE_PRIORITY : 64 Not really useful... ; REALTIME_PRIORITY : 256 Using this one will disable multitasking. CAUTION TaskPriorityLevel=128 ; Try changing this (0/1) if Kawaks is slow : MultiTaskFriendly=0 ; Same, for Netplay : MultiTaskFriendlyNetplay=0 ; Number of frames to display chat text NetChatDuration=300 ; Number of chat text lines to display NetChatSize=5 ; Autoscroll Net chat text NetChatAutoscroll=0 ; Auto switch to full screen when net game starts NetAutoFullscreen=0 [Path] ; path for your zipped roms RomPath1=e:\videogames\Winkawaks\roms RomPath2=.\roms\cps1 RomPath3=.\roms\neogeo RomPath4=.\roms RomPath5=.\roms SavesPath=.\saves EEPROMPath=.\eeprom INIPath=.\ini TracklistPath=.\tracklst CheatPath=.\cheats ScreenShotPath=.\sshots CapturePath=.\capture LanguagePath=.\lang RecordPath=.\recinput BlendPath=.\blend |
28-dic-2007, 01:47 | #10 |
Editor Marciano
Esta en la carpeta C:\juegos\Mamewah\config\winkawaks\