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Old 03-mar-2007, 22:22   #1
Editor Marciano
AtomicFE 0.19.2 (Front-End multiemulador)

Nueva versión de este Front-End multiemulador para Windows que corrige algunos fallos de la versión anterior.

Lista de novedades:
Fix 3 little bugs in AtomicManager , AtomicKey and LedWizManager
Works under Windows XP , Windows 2000 (+directx7 ou >), Windows 98 (and Windows 95!!)) (+directX 7 ou >).


Support all versions of MAME , and all emulators which allow command-line launch

Support all ArcadeVGA's specifics resolutions, and all graphic card even the oldest.

Support vertical screens (include Autorotate depending on the last game launched)

Fully customisable

Customisable, Animated ,multi-layered and Scripted Skins!

Advanced graphics effects (mirroring, reflecting, Gradual Alpha blendig)

Built'in JukeBox!

Built'in Video JukeBox VIDEO!

Allow to sort roms based on Ini file like genre.ini,hardware.ini..Etc..

Allow the use of multiple emulator on a same configuration.

Multi-configuration : You can navigate through configuration tree you built.

Screen savers

Snap Video

Support Game List containing games from various Emulators

Native Support of Zinc

Open source Plug'in System based on VBScript!

Credit management from the Front End (For now desactivated due to the disagreement of the mame Team)

run random game in case of inactivity with insert credit detection

can run game (randomly or not) at the first run of the FE. (you can boot directly in Pacman and when you exit you are back to the FE)

Fully scriptable

AutoRotate of the FE depending of the game runned

Mirror type screen support

Light gun and Touch Screen support

LED-Wiz native support!

Live Game list Filter

advanced Video screen saver (aka Emumovies Screensaver)

More and More...etc..etc..
Imágenes del Front-End

Descargar Front-End y extras
Old 08-mar-2007, 01:44   #2
Usuario registrado
hola, tengo la siguiente situacion, configuro plunplay para que emule play station, arcades, y ultra64, me muestra correctamente este menu de emuladores, entro a las roms y me las carga bien pero luego al darle escape me devuelve al menu de lista de roms, hasta ahi bien y vuelvo y de doy escape y no me deja en el menu de emuladores sino me saca del atomic. Que estoy haciendo mal?