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Old 08-mar-2007, 18:59   #1
Editor Marciano
WinUAE 1.4.1 Public Beta 2 (Emulador Amiga)

Nueva versión beta de este emulador de Amiga para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
better bsdsocket threading fix, should finally fix random crashes.

diskswapper input-panel input targets added (next/prev/insert)

change input configuration (1-4) input target added

custom input targets added, experimental, not in GUI yet, need manual configuration file editing, syntax:
press/release = key down/up, joystick button down/up
secondary = toggle-mode (first press uses "press" event, second press uses "secondary press", third press is again "press" event etc..)
format of single event: '"entry=value"'.0 "unlimited" multiple entry/value pairs supported: '"entry1=value1" "entry2=value2"'.0
empty event: NULL.0

toggle onscreen leds:

refresh rate = 100 while key/button is kept down:
NOTES: format can change in future, toggle-mode may be added to regular input event mapping system in future version.
BTW: custom input was implemented ages ago but it was not enabled until now... (I forgot it..)
Old 09-mar-2007, 05:35   #2
Avatar de Macarro
diskswapper input-panel input targets added (next/prev/insert)
Tal vez esto sea lo que le faltaba al emulador para hacerlo perfecto para usarse en las macas, la posibilidad de configurar las teclas para introducir el siguiente disco o el anterior. Que alguien lo pruebe y nos cuente cómo va