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Old 14-mar-2007, 19:48   #1
Editor Marciano
MAMELOAD TNG Beta 9a (Front-End MAME)

Nueva version de este Front-End de Mame para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
Page now hosted, more appropriately, at MAMEWORLD. New Address: HTTP://MAMELOAD.MAMEWORLD.INFO

Corrected a bug related to obtaining the source.c file with PINMAME. It produced incorrect parent/clone lists.

Added experimental JOYSTICK/MOUSE list navigation to ML. Simple up,down,page up,page down and execute commands can be issued with either device (mouse 1, joystick id 0) Refer to the mlreadme.txt for instructions. You can enable this by using CTRL-J (joystick) and CTRL-S (mouse) to toggle ON or OFF. The setting you choose will stay in your saved settings in the FAVORITE.ML file.

Fixed a stupid bug that happened when I added the new saved items to FAVORITE.ML - ML will again remember what your last selected game was.
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