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Old 26-mar-2007, 13:07   #1
Editor Marciano
MAMELOAD TNG Beta 10 (Front-End MAME)

Nueva version de este Front-End de Mame para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
Combined all .DAT file information to one output. No longer do you need to toggle which .DAT to view. Use F3 to view all DATA for the GAME currently selected.

Implemented the ability to sort all lists by GAMENAME, SETNAME or by SOURCE. This has been assigned to the F1 key. If viewing a FOLDER INI, however, F1 will let you skip to the next file to be viewed.

Added more functionality to typing to now include GAMENAME, SETNAME and SOURCE searching. Use F2 to toggle these new options.

Took out SKIPCLONE/SKIPCHECK command line parameters. Using them at this time would cause most of ML's unique abilities to be non-existant.

Switched around key assignments a bit in an attempt to simplify for all users. The former "`" and "" keys were hard or near impossible to type for certain non-US Keyboard Layouts. Thank to Nomak of NPlayers for the heads-up!

As many Key assignments have been added or changed with this version - Be sure to see the list in mlreadme.txt included with the archive or use CTRL-L (HELP) in program.

Some Changes to what information is displayed and where. Version number moved to the titlebar for the Window to make room for Source info.
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