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Old 01-abr-2007, 18:18   #1
Editor Marciano
WinUAE 1.4.2 Public Beta 2 (Emulador Amiga)

Nueva versión beta de este emulador de Amiga para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:

- 10x+ performance increase during "decrunching" color effects when no filters enabled and bitplanes disabled (background color only)
- console debugger breakpoints sometimes continued immediately
- quickstart "random" selection inside archives should be fixed
- mousehack interrupt do not start multiple times anymore
- all CPU-specific special registers added to debugger
- CPU/FPU configuration rewrite.
- new FPU options: none/68881/68882/CPU internal
- 68030 (EC-version, 030-only MMU instructions are simply ignored)
- proper 68060 with FPU support. See NOTEs below!
- 68040/68060 without FPU allowed but note that 68060.library does
not appear to like non-FPU 68060s..
- no FPU+68000/68010 (technically possible but not worth the trouble)

68060 NOTES: No working Setpatch and 68060.library = NO FPU. 68060 has FPU disable bit that all real 68060 accelerators' boot ROM set because KS task switching routine do not understand 68060's FRESTORE/FSAVE frames. Setpatch+68060.library is the fix.

Real 68060 is also extremely slow without 68060.library because all caches and other speed-up features are not enabled but this is completely irrelevant in emulation.

You can use "C:CPU" command to check CPU/FPU status:
- Incorrect: "System: 68060 (INST: blahblah"
- Correct: "System 68060 68882 (INST: blahblah"
New setpatch (44.38 confirmed) support 68060.library directly, older versions need dummy 68040.library (less than 1K in size)

NOTE2: FPU emulation emulates all 6888x instructions, even those that were removed from real 68040/060.

!!! NOTE3: _EMULATED_ 68040 and 68060 HAVE EQUAL SPEED !!!