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Old 09-abr-2007, 14:48   #1
Editor Marciano
CrabEmu 0.1.5 (Emulador Sega Master System y Sega Game Gear)

Nueva versión de este emulador de Sega Master System y Sega Game Gear para MacOS X.

Lista de mejoras:
* Added support for non-192 line modes (SMS2 had support for 240 and 224 line modes), although only 224 line mode has really been tested.
* Added stereo sound support for Game Gear (SMS games play with all PSG channels at full volume on the left and right speakers, as they did before)
* Added support for 50Hz PAL mode (for the games that actually were PAL optimized)
* Added support for the Codemasters mapper (Codemasters games should now work, also, this goes along with the 224 line mode support and PAL support)
* SRAM saving now occurs when you quit CrabEmu, as well as when you open a new ROM (or when you manually do it from the menu