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Old 25-abr-2007, 00:45   #1
Editor Marciano
ep128emu 2.0.2 (Emulador Enterprise 128 y Commodore Plus/4)

Nueva versión de este emulador de los ordenadores Enterprise 128 y Commodore Plus/4 para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
implemented Spectrum emulator

implemented real time clock

in the default keyboard map, Home can also be used now as HOLD, and End as STOP; the original keys (Pause/Break and PrintScreen/SysRq) did not work on some machines

keyboard matrix state is no longer cleared on soft reset

NICK registers are initialized to random values on start-up

added new ROM images and machine configuration presets

the makecfg utility now asks for an installation directory if started without command line arguments, and automatically creates directories

minor improvements to GUI menu layout