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Old 29-abr-2007, 22:36   #1
Editor Marciano
UnrealSpeccy 0.36.3 (Emulador Spectrum) (W)

Nueva versión de este emulador de Spectrum para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
Palette is fixed
Z80: memory write procedure (wm()) in memory write operations is called after increasing the tick counter (cpu->t+=) (in two-byte operations cpu->t+= is made twice).
Important for multicolors
Anti-text64: fixed Russian letter "ì"
TurboSound FM: FM is 4 times more quiet as in real device
AY... Noise reduction filter added (for beeper music). Please help to remove that clicks in boundaries of 20ms frames!
If I simply fill the first 2 to 4 samples of a frame with preceding value, then the beeper clicks are disappearing, but AY clicks appear...
Sound buffer was not cleared in Save sound menu