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Old 20-nov-2008, 12:46   #1
Usuario registrado

AtomicFE 0.20 Ultimate Distribution is finally released.

This version has been done by a contributor : Ladite . I'm not the author of this distribution i have just helped to make it possible.

The distribution includes 116 modules (mostly emulators) preconfigured and once installed is then easly customisable via AtomicStudio.

The distribution is available as full pack (about 500mega download) or as individual sub-pack by theme.

The Full distribution is available in French and English and contains this modules :

Arcades (15)

Another Arcade Emulator - Cinematronic - Daphne - Final Burn Alpha
Mame - Model 2 - Cps 3 - Nebula - PacMame - Raine
U64Emu - VectorDream - Vivanonno - Winkawaks - Zinc

Consoles (49)

3DO - AdventureVision - Arcadia - Astrocade - Atari 2600
Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision
Creativison - Dreamcast (2) - Game Cube - GBoy - GBoy Color
GBoy Advance - GameGear - Game Park32 - Intellivision
Jaguar - Lynx - Master System - Megadrive - Megadrive 32X
Mega CD - NeoGeo - NeoGeo CD - NeoPocket - Nintendo 64
Nintendo DS (2) - Nintendo NES - Playstation - Playstation 2
Pc Engine - Pc Fx - Pokemon Mini - Rca Studio II - Saturn (2)
Snes - Supervision - TurbograFx - TurbograFx CD - Vectrex
VideoPac - VirtualBoy - VMU Dreamcast - Wonderswan - Xbox

Dos (02)

DosBox - ScummVM

Jackpot (02)
BFM Jackpot - MFME Jackpot

Pc (28)

Amiga 32 - Apple II - Commodore 64 - Commodore 128
Commodore CBM II - Commodore PET - Commodore PLUS 4
Commodore VIC 20 - Amstrad Cpc - Macintosh - Msx
Msx 2 - Msx 2+ - Msx Turbo R - Mtx - Oric - Sam Coupe
Sharp X68000 - Spectrum - Tandy TRS 80 I - Tandy TRS 80 II
Tandy TRS 80 III - Tandy Dragon 32 - Tandy Dragon 64
Texas Instrument TI-99 - Thomson Mo5 - Thomson To7 - Thomson To8

Pinball (02)

Future Pinball - Visual Pinball

Autres (09)

Favoris - Photos - Video - Dice - Flashgames
Jukebox Wincab - Arcade Jukebox - Karaoke - StepMania

Educatifs/Enfants (06)

Coloriage - Tables de Multiplication - Le Pendu - MasterMind
Crayon Physics - Speak&Spell

NOTE: For some emulator you will need a good machine.
Some Roms (free) are provided when it is possible as example.

Once the installation opened in AtomicStudio you will obtain a full hierarchy you can easly customize.

Hierachy Picture

It is the first version, it will be enhanced , more module could appear and new Artwork should come too.

The support for this distribution will be done by Ladite exclusivly on official support forums (French and English).

I don't support officially myself this distribution. But of course each time i could help i will do.

This distribution is Totally Free , therefore you can reward Ladite for his work using paypal or allopass using link you will find on his dedicated page on my website.

Check the "Download section" of and navigate to "Ultimate Distribution".

NOTE: Once the distribution installed , i recommend to install the last AtomicFE 0.20 patch on it.

[b]NOTE: Some installed emulators are shareware and can be limited,it is up to you to update with registered version.

We hope you will Enjoy and don't hesitate to give Feedback or report bug to Ladite.
Old 20-nov-2008, 14:25   #2
Avatar de sydaroa
Great! I will give it a chance and test it.

Old 20-nov-2008, 17:42   #3
Usuario registrado
I remind you a tutorial for Atomic 0.20 in spanish can be found in AtomicStudio Help menu.

Or here :

It can help to understand base concepts and then customize if you need.