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Old 24-mar-2008, 13:15   #1
Editor Marciano
emuControlCenter 0.9.7 WIP 13 (Front-End multiemulador) (W)

Nueva versión de este Front-End multiemulador creado por ecc para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
- gui optimizations
-- shortcut "Strg F" now toggles fullscreen mode Close in Fullscreen ALT+F4
-- gui position is now restored at starup
-- gui size is now restored at startup
-- window state (maximized/fullscreen) is now restored on startup
-- show/hide navigation will restore the selected size on toggle
-- main window is now show if all gui settings are done! No flickering at startup!
- fixed problem with the import from online meta-database romDB
- New shortcut keys (see shortcuts.txt)
-- DEL - remove rom from database
-- STRG+DEL - remove rom metadata
-- ALT+DEL - remove rom images
-- SHIFT+DEL - remove rom from harddisk
- fixed little bug if removing images
- full settings are now stored, if you hit the save position button im imageCenter
- romdb datfile now also possible for "# all found"
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Old 08-abr-2008, 03:24   #2
Avatar de Abducido
voy a buscar las comparaciones con mamewah que hasta el momento dentro de wintendo es lo que mas me convense