No sabia en que foro iniciar el hilo, de momento en "video" pero si algún moderador tiene mejor criterio que lo mueva por favor]
Este hilo ni pregunta ni responde, simplemente abre un tema con la esperanza que entre todos acabemos encontrando alguna idea.
Situación 1: Muchos de nosotros guardamos un portatil estropeado o demasiado viejo para usarlo pero nos resistimos a tirarlo. 
Situación 2: Muchos de nosotros hemos dado vueltas a la idea de hacernos una mini-maca o una media-maca, en cualquier caso *ligera*, con un monitor de TFT/LCD. 
Objetivo: No seria genial poder aprovechar ese LCD/TFT muerto de asco para conectarlo a un PC o mejor aún enchufarle video directamente, por ejemplo de un dvd player? 
Imagino que es algo muy complejo, o simplemente demasiado caro para que valga la pena hacerlo, pero teniendo en cuenta que no tengo ni idea del tema, después de casi un par de horas googleando he obtenido la siguiente información:
Hola, tenes que buscar informacion del LCD, existen 2 normas,,los mas viejos son TTL y los mas nuevos LVDS, si es TTL podes conectarlo al conector VESA de 26 pines que tienen muchas placas de video no tan nuevas y que es interno. Si es LVDS es mas complicado pq tenes que tener un mother con salida LVDS (los micro ITX la tienen la mayoria) la otra es comprar una placa universal para manejar LCD quie se venden en USA
buf... el
hilo no aporta mas.
La adaptación que quieres llevar a cabo requiere de la compra de una tarjeta electrónica de manejo de panel LCD. A continuación enlaces y ejemplos:
Ahí tenemos otra pista, pero no he entendido demasiado, y un monton de enlaces a tarjetas de control:
Many people have recently started to ask how to connect an LCD screen taken from an old laptop computer. Unfortunately there is no simple solution for this conversion because the differences of the interfaces used in normal VGA monitor connections and the interfaces used in laptop LCD screen. The LCD screen on laptops typically use a special digital inteface between the graphics controller and LCD screen itself. Those interfaces can be special high speed parallel or serial interaces and there are many flavour of them in use. The graphics cards inside the laptops have that special interface compatible with the display in this laptop, but normal PC graphics cards do not have this kind of interfaces. One problem is also that there is wide variety of LCD display interfaces in use, so first you need to figure out what interface is used (can get hard) and then get somewhere information how to interface to it (information might not be publically available). Here is a list of some LCD screen interfaces used or in-use nowadays:
Analog VGA (used in external LCD displays but not in laptops normally)
44-pin TTL parallel
20-pin LVDS serial
Digital Video(6-bit for each color R/G/B) Sync Signal,DOTCLK, 4 pairs LVDS (used in some IBM laptop displays)
DVI (Digital Visual Interface LCD panel digital interface from DDWG, used for external LCD screen mainly)
So the conversion between normal PC graphics cards and LCD display taken from old laptop is not generally very complicated and usually not worth of a try. To do the conversion you would first need to get to know what type of interface that LCD screen uses, then get the specifications of that interface, then specifications of that specific LCD and then design your own interface for that. Very complicated and not worth of the problem to try to do that at least if you plan to do this for saving some money (maybe a good educational experiment for a very good hardware/electronics expert, but not recommended for any average electronics homebuilder).
It is possible, but in order to get the LCD to run off a standard VGA or standard digital video card, a converter must be bought. The converters cost about $250+. Its often cheaper just to buy a flat panel display. Regular flat panel displays on the market now are at least 15" which is much larger then the most laptop LCDs out there. The ready-for-vga flat panels for sale include the sort of input converter that you would have to buy to make the bare LCD work. While it seems like the converter should not cost half the price of a new LCD display, it does. The LCD interfaces that work for old laptop screens were made in low quantity for a few specific projects and are designed to support numerous types of LCD.
Aqui he entendido algo mas, lo justo para ver que la cosa no es sencilla.
Y finalmente, en el caso que sea inviable aprovechar la pantalla separada del portatil, aqui explica un práctico sistema para "compactar" el portatil escondiendo la placa base detrás de la pantalla, y dejar que la base siga controlandola:
Portafotos digital mediante un portatil antiguo.
A todo aquel que tenga información o ideas de como enviar video a un TFT/LCD arrancado de un portatil, que continue el hilo, a lo mejor lo conseguimos.