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Old 07-jul-2007, 19:18   #1
Editor Marciano
Ootake 1.13 (Emulador PC Engine) (W)

Se encuentra disponible una nueva versión de este emulador de PC Engine para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
The sprite display processing was improved, and "Fighting Run" came to operate. (I got material information to operate from PC2E author's Mr.Ki.
Thanks very much.)

Operation speed & timing of CPU has been elaborately adjusted. In a lot of
games, I think that it approached a real machine by the timing of the
sound of the demonstration scene. And in "Snatcher", the freezed trouble
(generated from v1.11) was solved.

In "Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu II" and "Exile", the display order of the
screen was corrected. (This bug was generated from v1.11.)

In "Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire", the bug that the screen advances early
(generated from v1.11) was corrected.

Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
Old 08-jul-2007, 02:05   #2
Avatar de sniperpain27
probando pues.
lo pruebo en el currele XDDD