LisaEm 1.0 (Emulador Apple Lisa) (W, L, M)
Nueva versión de este emulador del computador personal Apple Lisa para Windows, Linux y Mac.
Lista de mejoras:
2007.07.06 - Display color balancing to remove fuzziness.
2007.07.05 - LisaConfig bugs found - overwriting date information with
garbage on save of preferences.
- corrected a bug preventing the grabbing of the host time and
date. Found that MacWorks locks up when date is invalid.
2007.07.04 - LisaEm documentation completion
2007.07.03 - Testing various opcodes to locate scroll bar arrow bug in LOS
not found, but eliminated shift/rotate opcodes.
2007.07.01 - regression testing to locate MacWorks bug - not found yet, high
probability that it lives somewhere inside the C++ code.
2007.06.30 - added Mac OS trap symbol printing for A-Line traps for tracelog
2007.06.29 - fixed inability to detect no-floppy from Lisa boot ROM
- fixed entry to Service mode - not perfect, need to attempt
to boot from bad profile.
- fixed tracelog bugs (hardcoded /log/lisaem-output)
Mas informacion del Apple Lisa
Mas informacion del emulador