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Old 17-jul-2007, 23:46   #1
Editor Marciano
MAMELOAD TNG Beta 19 (Front-End MAME) (W)

Nueva version de este Front-End de Mame para Windows.

Lista de mejoras:
- Preliminary .BDF Font support. You can load in the .BDF font of
your choice to use as a display font in ML. There are some
restrictions as to size and it's not as yet perfected, but it allows
for much needed flexability as regards to front end's look. I'll
place a few fonts on my page for download. For more information,

- With move to allowing external fonts, I widened the text display
window a bit to let more information be displayed per line.
I'm aware there are might be some graphic overlapping, it's an issue
I'll attempt to fix in the future.

- Suppressed some keystrokes that were causing problems while selecting
a .BDF font and values for a command.
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