Vice 1.22 (Emulador C64 / C128 / VIC20 / PET / PLUS4 / CBM-II) (W, L, M, D)
Nueva versión de este emulador de los ordenadores C64 / C128 / VIC20 / PET / PLUS4 / CBM-II para Windows, Linux, MS-DOS y Mac.
Lista de mejoras:
** C128 changes
- Added 2 MHz mode support (experimental).
- The cursor keys are mapped differently in C64-mode now.
- Fixed C64-mode autostart support.
** VIC20 changes
- Improved the sound emulation where the 'volume change click' is concerned, and normalized the audio output level.
- The VIC-II border mode can be selected now (normal, full, debug).
- Some sprite fixes needed for Krestage 3 demo.
** Drive changes
- Improved drive LED emulation.
** Unix changes
- Fixed the "black screen" bug caused by some X11 library security update.
- Fixed the usb support for bsd based platforms.
- Changed the preferred libdir and docdir for netbsd and freebsd.
- Xaw/XRandR fullscreen mode is supposed to work.
** MS-Windows changes
- Positional keyboard mapping is used as default again.
- New volume slider control.
- The win32 port can now be compiled with openwatcom.
** OS/2 changes
- The os/2 port can now be compiled with openwatcom.