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Old 16-oct-2007, 20:06   #1
Avatar de Macarro
Retroblast desaparece (en teoría)

La estupenda web americana dice adiós tras un tiempo de cierre. Su creador dice que está cansado y que no dispone del tiempo para crear la web-portal sobre el mundo del arcade casero que quería.

Por lo que a mi respecta, echaré en falta las maravillosas revisiones (a veces en vídeo) que hacía de productos comerciales (joysticks, spinners, etc...) que difícilmente podíamos adquirir en europa.

I'm afraid I've got some bad news for everyone who's visited RetroBlast: after slaving over the site overhaul, sinking money into it, and getting close to opening RetroBlast back up...I realized something: I don't want to re-open RetroBlast — I really, really don't want to.

The site has been such a burden on me since I took over GameRoom magazine a year and a half ago, and I've been so busy running a business that RetroBlast has withered into a mere shell of what it once was.

Sometimes when you find yourself dragging your feet on a major project, it's because your subconsious is trying to tell you something. Sure, I could create the "mega-site" I had planned on...but it's always going to be more work for me, and I'm already doing the work of a full magazine staff right now. My health has deteriorated this past year to the point I'm starting to wonder how much longer I've got...I even had to be rushed to the hospital with chest pains a few months ago. I'm not a type A personality, and the stress is eating me alive...

And I realized something else: in many ways, I'd just be duplicating the effort of others out there who I really respect. John St. Clair, for example, has done a fantastic job with his (BYOAC) site, and newsgroups on RetroBlast would just mean trying to duplicate the online community that he's already created. I'll see if he'd like to archive RetroBlast's reviews and videos on his site, but the days of RetroBlast are now officially over. It's a hard decision to make, but I know it's the right one.

This is a new beginning for me, as I use this opportunity to put 100% of my energies into publishing GameRoom, and creating the best retrogaming magazine I can. I hope that you'll join me, and I want to thank everyone who has visited RetroBlast over the years — it's been a fun ride, and I hope you've enjoyed reading my reviews as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you for visiting, and please drop in at GameRoom Magazine's web site from time to time! (

Kevin Steele
Editor and Publisher, GameRoom Magazine


I've had many, many questions over the last couple of days about RetroBlast's reviews and videos — they're down right now because of the massive carnage that was the site overhaul, but I'm going to be donating the RetroBlast content to one or more other sites just as soon as I get the old files patched back together. I'm also going to be creating a self-running DVD with all of RetroBlast's videos and reviews (about 1.5GB of content!) Give me a week or two to get it all together and I'll post links and news here. Thanks for asking!
Old 16-oct-2007, 20:24   #2
Editor Marciano
una pena

Tu tuviste contacto con el dueño por el tema de los banners del NISA no ? Comentale que si quiere podemos ponerle el banner a "Game Room Magazine" y quitar el actual a Retroblast. Estaría bien que incluyera al NISA en los links de "Video Game Resources".

Old 16-oct-2007, 20:29   #3
Avatar de Macarro
Mañana le mandaré un mail a ver qué tal le parece la idea.

Un saludo.
Old 16-oct-2007, 20:45   #4
Editor Marciano
ok tío, thanks.

Yo me he puesto en contacto hace un momento con la gente del proyecto de escaneos en el tracker aquél. A ver que me dicen.

En cuanto sepa algo te informo.

Old 16-oct-2007, 20:50   #5
Avatar de Macarro
...y para seguir con el offtopic, esta tarde he bajado como ciento y pico portadas de megadrive, otras tantas de master system y unas 30 de 32X.

Eso si, todas ellas con watermark... pero que al menos han intentado poner en zonas de color uniforme, por lo que eliminarlas con photoshop no será ningún infierno. Ahora mismo estoy con las de master system y llevo 2 . Eso si, como son tipo VHS, habrá que separarlas antes de subirlas a la web y eso no lo haré hasta que no tenga un renombrador que permita trabajar también con los cantos de las cajas
Old 16-oct-2007, 20:58   #6
Editor Marciano
jaja... mariquita.. gracias por el

En breve, en breve... igual hoy si me pongo lo tienes

Por ceirto... antes de que sigas, déjame que busque el filón de master system que pillé a ver si vienen sin watermark. Voy a ver donde puse el enlace, que tengo unos bookmarks que dan askito :P

Voy a implementar algo en el CMS para tener los bookmarks a buen recaudo, y visibles para los administradores. A ver que se me ocurre.
Old 16-oct-2007, 22:14   #7
Editor Marciano
Aqui esta un mirror de Retroblast.