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Old 18-ene-2007, 00:32   #1
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
Trucos nuevos para el MAME.

Hacer copy-paste al final del cheat.dat con cualquier editor de textos. Puede que con el Notepad no baste porque ese archivo ya es de unos 14 megas.

Lista de juegos (por si me decido a hacer links a los posts):

- 0-9 -
1943: The Battle of Midway
64th Street
88 Games

- A -
Art of Fighting 3

- C -
Captain America and the Avengers
Caveman Ninja
Columns II

- D -
Dangun Feveron
Donkey Kong JR
Dr Micro
Dream Soccer

- F -
Final Tetris

- G -
Goal '92
Grand Striker
Grand Striker 2

- H -
Hammerin' Harry
Hat Trick Hero 94
Heaven's Gate
Hyper Sports

- I -
International Cup 94

- K -
Kick And Run

- L -
Las Vegas Girl 94
Lode Runner
Lode Runner 2
Lode Runner 3
Lode Runner 4

- M -
Mexico 86

- P -
Prehistoric Isle in 1930
Premier Soccer
Puzzle Bobble

- Q -
Q*Bert Qubes

- S -
Shanghai Matekibuyuu
Sokonuke Taisen Game
Space Bomber
Strikers 1945 Plus
Super Bagman
Super Cup Finals
Super Sidekicks 2
Super Visual Football

- T -
Thunder & Lightning
Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose

- U -
Undercover Cops

- V -
Vampire Savior 2
Virtua Striker

- W -
Wing Shooting Championship
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
World Heroes 2

- X -

- Z -
Zero Zone

Editado por mike_myers en 25-mar-2007 a las 17:19.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:00   #2
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
; /*
; Color codes for Columns II:
; 1 = red / 2 = orange / 3 = purple / 4 = yellow
; 5 = blue / 6 = green / 7 = magic gem
; */
; /*
; The bytes of the gems in Columns II:
; - 1st gem= 1st and 4th bytes, top gem on screen
; - 2nd gem= 2nd and 5th bytes, mid gem on screen
; - 3rd gem= 3rd byte, bottom gem on screen
; */
;[Columns II, the Voyage through time (World)]
:columns2:00000000:FFC8C1:000000D8:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Bonus Time PL1
:columns2:00000000:FFCAC1:000000D8:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Bonus Time PL2

:columns2:60000000:FFD2AF:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[Current Gem]
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:01010101:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:02020202:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000002:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:03030303:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000003:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:04040404:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000004:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:05050505:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000005:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:06060606:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000006:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2AF:07070707:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFD2B3:00000007:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL1 (2/2)

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Top] PL1

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Middle] PL1

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Bottom] PL1

:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:01010101:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:02020202:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000002:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:03030303:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000003:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:04040404:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000004:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:05050505:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000005:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:06060606:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000006:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFD2EF:07070707:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFD2F3:00000007:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL2 (2/2)

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Top] PL2

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Middle] PL2

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Bottom] PL2

:columns2:60000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[Next Gem]
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:01010101:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:02020202:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:03030303:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:04040404:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:05050505:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:06060606:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL1 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFC873:07070707:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL1
:columns2:00010001:FFC877:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL1 (2/2)

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Top] PL1

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Middle] PL1

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Bottom] PL1

:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:01010101:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:02020202:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:03030303:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:04040404:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:05050505:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:06060606:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL2 (2/2)
:columns2:00300001:FFCA73:07070707:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL2
:columns2:00010001:FFCA77:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL2 (2/2)

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Top] PL2

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Middle] PL2

:columns2:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Bottom] PL2

;[Columns II, the Voyage through time (Japan)]
:column2j:00000000:FFC8C1:000000D8:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Bonus Time PL1
:column2j:00000000:FFCAC1:000000D8:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Bonus Time PL2

:column2j:60000000:FFD2AF:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[Current Gem]
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:01010101:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:02020202:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000002:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:03030303:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000003:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:04040404:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000004:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:05050505:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000005:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:06060606:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000006:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2AF:07070707:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL1:This one seems to be a bit useless
:column2j:00010001:FFD2B3:00000007:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL1 (2/2)

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Top] PL1

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Middle] PL1

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Bottom] PL1

:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:01010101:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:All gems = red now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:02020202:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000002:FFFFFFFF:All gems = orange now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:03030303:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000003:FFFFFFFF:All gems = purple now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:04040404:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000004:FFFFFFFF:All gems = yellow now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:05050505:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000005:FFFFFFFF:All gems = blue now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:06060606:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000006:FFFFFFFF:All gems = green now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFD2EF:07070707:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL2:This one seems to be a bit useless
:column2j:00010001:FFD2F3:00000007:FFFFFFFF:All gems = magic now! PL2 (2/2)

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Top] PL2

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Middle] PL2

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Current Gem [Bottom] PL2

:column2j:60000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[Next Gem]
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:01010101:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:02020202:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:03030303:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:04040404:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:05050505:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:06060606:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL1 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFC873:07070707:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL1
:column2j:00010001:FFC877:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL1 (2/2)

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Top] PL1

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Middle] PL1

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Bottom] PL1

:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:01010101:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = red now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:02020202:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = orange now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:03030303:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = purple now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:04040404:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = yellow now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:05050505:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = blue now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:06060606:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = green now! PL2 (2/2)
:column2j:00300001:FFCA73:07070707:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL2
:column2j:00010001:FFCA77:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Next All gems = magic now! PL2 (2/2)

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Top] PL2

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Middle] PL2

:column2j:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Next Gem [Bottom] PL2

Editado por mike_myers en 28-feb-2007 a las 02:08.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:03   #3
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
;[Grand Striker 2]

; /*
; List of Teams for this game:
; 00 - 09 : Europe A
; 0A - 13 : Europe B
; 14 - 1D : Europe C & Africa
; 1E - 27 : America
; 28 - 31 : Asia
; 32 : Sepia Dreams (appears in Dream Match if you're unbeaten)
; 33 : H.A.C (another team that can appear in Dream Match, easier to beat )
; */

:gstrik2:00000000:FF8B27:00000032:FFFFFFFF:Play with Sepia PL1
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8B27:00000033:FFFFFFFF:Play with H.A.C PL1
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8B37:00000032:FFFFFFFF:Play with Sepia PL2
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8B37:00000033:FFFFFFFF:Play with H.A.C PL2
;-- If you want to practice...
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8BAB:00000032:FFFFFFFF:Play with Sepia CPU(->)
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8BAB:00000033:FFFFFFFF:Play with H.A.C CPU(->)
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8B6B:00000032:FFFFFFFF:Play with Sepia CPU(<-)
:gstrik2:00000000:FF8B6B:00000033:FFFFFFFF:Play with H.A.C CPU(<-)

Editado por mike_myers en 21-ene-2007 a las 16:40.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:06   #4
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
;[ Hat Trick Hero 94]

:hthero94:00000000:40E77B:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL1
:hthero94:00000000:40E77D:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL2
:hthero94:00000000:40E77F:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL3
:hthero94:00000000:40E781:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL4

:hthero94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL1
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410E99:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:hthero94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL2
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410ED1:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:hthero94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL3
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410F09:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:hthero94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL4
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:hthero94:00010000:410F41:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:hthero94:00000000:410E85:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL1
:hthero94:00000000:410EBD:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL2
:hthero94:00000000:410EF5:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL3
:hthero94:00000000:410F2D:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL4

:hthero94:00000000:411F98:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next Foul Red Card CPU (<-):Use when CPU plays with Left Team, works up to 3 times per match. When a team has 8 players, the referee only shows yellow cards.
:hthero94:00000000:411F99:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next Foul Red Card CPU (->):Use when CPU plays with Right Team, works up to 3 times per match. When a team has 8 players, the referee only shows yellow cards.

:hthero94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Menu

:hthero94:00000001:40F55D:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Make this match the last one now!
:hthero94:00000501:40F55D:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Current Level
:hthero94:00000303:40F55D:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Next Level

Editado por mike_myers en 01-mar-2007 a las 00:50.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:07   #5
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
;[International Cup 94]

:intcup94:00000000:40E77B:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL1
:intcup94:00000000:40E77D:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL2
:intcup94:00000000:40E77F:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL3
:intcup94:00000000:40E781:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL4

;The referee WILL show a red card when a player makes the 3rd, 6th and the 9th foul.
:intcup94:00000000:411F98:00000002:FFFFFFFF:CPU (<-) Next Foul = Red Card:Use when CPU plays with Left Team, works up to 3 times per match. When a team has 8 players, the referee only shows yellow cards.
:intcup94:00000000:411F99:00000002:FFFFFFFF:CPU (->) Next Foul = Red Card:Use when CPU plays with Left Team, works up to 3 times per match. When a team has 8 players, the referee only shows yellow cards.

:intcup94:00000000:410E85:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL1
:intcup94:00000000:410EBD:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL2
:intcup94:00000000:410EF5:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL3
:intcup94:00000000:410F2D:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL4

:intcup94:60000000:000000:00000000:00000000:[To make these Special Shoot cheats to work, you ]
:intcup94:60000000:000000:00000000:00000000:[have to set Special Menu to 'With' ]
:intcup94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL1
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410E99:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:intcup94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL2
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410ED1:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:intcup94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL3
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410F09:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:intcup94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL4
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:intcup94:00010000:410F41:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:intcup94:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Menu

:intcup94:00000001:40F55D:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Make this match the last one now!
:intcup94:00000501:40F55D:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Current Level
:intcup94:00000303:40F55D:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Next Level

Editado por mike_myers en 01-mar-2007 a las 01:14.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:09   #6
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
;[Super Cup Finals]

:scfinals:00000000:411FA8:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next Foul = Red Card CPU (<-):Use when CPU plays with Left Team, works up to 3 times per match. When a team has 8 players, the referee only shows yellow cards.
:scfinals:00000000:411FA9:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Next Foul = Red Card CPU (->):Use when CPU plays with Right Team, works up to 3 times per match. When a team has 8 players, the referee only shows yellow cards.

:scfinals:00000000:410EA1:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL1
:scfinals:00000000:410ED9:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL2
:scfinals:00000000:410F11:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL3
:scfinals:00000000:410F49:00000000:FFFFFFFF:No Fouls PL4

:scfinals:00000000:40E77B:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL1
:scfinals:00000000:40E77D:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL2
:scfinals:00000000:40E77F:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL3
:scfinals:00000000:40E781:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Credits PL4

:scfinals:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL1
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410EB5:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:scfinals:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL2
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410EED:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:scfinals:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL3
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410F25:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:scfinals:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Special Shoot PL4
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Super Dash
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Super Sliding
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000002:FFFFFFFF:Over Run
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Super Guard
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000004:FFFFFFFF:Banana Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Super Shoot
:scfinals:00010000:410F5D:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Hyper Shoot

:scfinals:00000001:40F579:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Make this the last round now!
:scfinals:00000101:40F579:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Next Round:0=1st round

:scfinals:62000000:000000:00000000:00000000:Select Ending

Editado por mike_myers en 26-ene-2007 a las 19:43.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:14   #7
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
; [ Zero Zone]

; /*
; Color codes for Zerozone:
; 0 = red / 1 = yellow / 2 = green / 3 = cyan
; 4 = blue / 5 = purple / 6 = skull / 7 = help
; 8 = + (any color) / 9 = arrows (move blocks)
; A = crushers (remove 3 lines)
; */

:zerozone:00000000:0C09C8:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Easy game PL1:Always ignore 2nd and 3rd block PL1
:zerozone:00300001:0C09C8:02090909:FFFFFFFF:All blocks = arrows now! PL1
:zerozone:00300001:0C09C8:020A0A0A:FFFFFFFF:All blocks = crushers now! PL1
:zerozone:00000000:0C10E4:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Easy game PL2:Always ignore 2nd and 3rd block PL2
:zerozone:00300001:0C10E4:02090909:FFFFFFFF:All blocks = arrows now! PL2
:zerozone:00300001:0C10E4:020A0A0A:FFFFFFFF:All blocks = crushers now! PL2

Editado por mike_myers en 18-ene-2007 a las 02:18.
Old 18-ene-2007, 02:19   #8
Editor Marciano
¡¡¡¡ Tramposo !!!!

Old 18-ene-2007, 02:21   #9
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
Todo vale, lo unico que importa es la victoria
Old 21-ene-2007, 02:24   #10
POKE Moderador,255
Avatar de mike_myers
;[ Goal 92 ]
:goal92:00200001:109EAD:00060000:00FF00FF:Win Penalty Shootout PL1 now!
:goal92:00200001:109EAD:00000006:00FF00FF:Win Penalty Shootout PL2 now!

Editado por mike_myers en 27-ene-2007 a las 22:55.