14-feb-2007, 21:25 | #21 |
POKE Moderador,255
;[Hyper Sports]
:hyperspt:60000000:0000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[ Swimming ] :hyperspt:00200000:3070:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Time :hyperspt:60000000:0000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[ Archery ] :hyperspt:00000000:30A4:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Arrows :hyperspt:00010000:30A8:00000007:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Arrows 2/3 :hyperspt:00010000:30FD:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Arrows 3/3 :hyperspt:60000000:0000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[ Weight Lifting ] :hyperspt:00000000:3430:00000028:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Time Editado por mike_myers en 15-feb-2007 a las 23:35. |
17-feb-2007, 22:41 | #22 |
POKE Moderador,255
;[Puzzle Bobble]
bobble:00000101:904903:0000003F:FFFFFFFF:Send Bubbles to PL1 now!:VS MODE bobble:00000101:905BD7:0000003F:FFFFFFFF:Send Bubbles to PL2 now!:VS MODE |
20-feb-2007, 21:37 | #23 |
POKE Moderador,255
Ya es posible hacer de Rambo en Super Bagman, con este truco de municion infinita. No hace falta desactivarlo cuando vayas a coger una bolsa de pasta.
;[Super Bagman] :sbagman:00100000:6293:0000FF01:FFFFFFFF:Always carry a gun:with 255 shoots :sbagman:00100001:6293:0000FF01:FFFFFFFF:Get the gun now!:with 255 shoots :sbagman:00100001:6293:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Lose the gun now! :sbagmans:00100000:6293:0000FF01:FFFFFFFF:Always carry a gun:with 255 shoots :sbagmans:00100001:6293:0000FF01:FFFFFFFF:Get the gun now!:with 255 shoots :sbagmans:00100001:6293:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Lose the gun now! Editado por mike_myers en 28-feb-2007 a las 22:19. |
21-feb-2007, 00:58 | #24 |
POKE Moderador,255
;[Super Sidekicks 2]
:ssideki2:00000101:1044CC:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Next Round:0 = Reg. Qualify - 6 = Final :ssideki2:00000103:1044CC:00000006:FFFFFFFF:Select Next Round:0 = Reg. Qualify - 6 = Final :ssideki2:00200000:108715:00060000:00FF00FF:Always win Penalty Kick PL1 :ssideki2:00200000:108715:00000006:00FF00FF:Always win Penalty Kick PL2 Editado por mike_myers en 28-feb-2007 a las 22:18. |
23-feb-2007, 20:04 | #25 |
POKE Moderador,255
:asterix:00000001:105383:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 1st Boss with 1 hit now! :asterix:00000001:1053D3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 2nd Boss with 1 hit now! :asterix:00000001:105383:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 3rd Bosses with a hit now!:A hit per boss :asterix:00010001:1053D3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 3rd Bosses with a hit now! 2/2 :asterix:00000001:105383:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 4th Boss with 1 hit now! :asterix:00000001:105383:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 5th Boss with 1 hit now! :asterix:00000001:1053D3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 6th Boss with 1 hit now! :asterix:00000001:105603:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill Final Bosses with 1 hit now!:A hit per boss :asterix:00010001:105653:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill Final Bosses with 1 hit now! 2/2 :asterix:60000000:000000:00000000:00000000:[Level 7 Enemies that appear before Final Bosses] :asterix:00000001:105423:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 1st Enemy with 1 hit now!:Tiger :asterix:00000001:105473:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 2nd Enemy with 1 hit now!:Gladiator :asterix:00000001:1054C3:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill 3rd Enemy with 1 hit now!:Romans |
23-feb-2007, 23:28 | #26 |
Que truco mas curioso el del Art of Fighting 3.....
Los programadores a veces meten cada cosa rara.... |
25-feb-2007, 12:45 | #27 |
POKE Moderador,255
:aliens:00100001:0B73:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Kill Last Boss easily now!:This opens the door to throw alien, but you can kill it with a few shots if you want |
25-feb-2007, 13:44 | #28 |
Mike Myers... te has planteado hacer una base de datos con toooooooda esa informacion???? seria cojonudo
Enhorabuena por la labor que estas realizando. |
25-feb-2007, 13:57 | #29 |
POKE Moderador,255
Ya tengo hecha una base de datos de access 2003 desde hace unos dias, con con un programa hecho en VBA para crear las paginas php -ya es todo automatico - [de momento solo esta al 100% el indice, en la mayoria de los otros pone "en construccion " ], los otros trucos que habia los recupero por el cache de google y en alguna ocasion los reemplazo por estos nuevos. [ademas de meter los que pongo aqui].
25-feb-2007, 14:04 | #30 |
Me reitero... Enhorabuena por el currele que te pegas para la aficion...